
Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Danvers of Victoria

Jane Reporting for 15th September

I have suddenly discovered that I've missed an entire day - our day in Victoria including our visits with Geoff Danvers and his family.  So this is a back-dated entry.

On Sunday, 15th September, we were up early and across the road from the motel to join Ron Danvers and his wife, Marilyn, for breakfast.  Back from their holiday was Ron's parents, Geoff and Joan Danvers.  Gary had been in email contact with Ron for a while and meeting up with this Danvers family was one of the reasons we had come up to Canada.  (Well, that and the drive through the Rockies.)

Breakfast: Geoff Danvers x2
Afterwards Gary and Geoff (his brother Geoff) strolled around Victoria harbour while Lyn and I visited the shops and markets ... until it started raining!

Victoria harbour
We drove around the waterfront (or the streets paralleling it when we took wrong turns) admiring the style of the homes before heading home for the most important of travel chores - the washing.

For dinner we headed off to Joan and Geoff's place, only about a five-minute drive away from where we were staying.  Joan is a Christmas decorating enthusiast as well so she had a Christmas tree on-hand to decorate with butterflies and a string of lights.  Naturally I was very appreciative.

Christmas trees are always in season
 As well as Christmas, Joan does present wrapping in a big way, having a dedicated wrapping room - and an overflow room.  Gary stuck his fingers in his ears and refused to listen when I was trying to tell him about them and I just can't understand why! ;o)

Rolls and rolls of ribbon
One ribbon that I particularly liked
Here are four of the Danvers men assembled together.

Ron, Geoff, Geoff, and Gary Danvers
We had a super meal and a great time meeting Ron and Marilyn's family and thank them for their welcome for us to Victoria.

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