
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Around Santa Barbara

Jane Reporting for 8th September

We're back at the motel now after a visiting the Old Mission.  The Mission was founded in 1786 and the current building is the fourth on the site, completed in 1820 after the third was destroyed in the 1812 earthquake.  All of which makes it pretty old in my book.

View from inside the Graveyard

Naturally, I was very intrigued by the cloisters (not sure if they are called that in a Spanish Mission):

In the Church
Showing the Length of the Church

Here are a couple of photos of the tourists:

Gary in the Cloisters

Lyn at the Old Mission

The fountain, built in 1808, was gorgeous and even the crows thought so as they came in one at a time to drink from the water spout.

The Crow about to have a Drink

The Fountain

We then headed back to the waterfront, on the way passing an 'Entering Tsunami Hazard Zone' warning sign.  Not just words in Santa Barbara as the 1812 earthquake which destroyed most of the town generated a tsunami.

Sea Fog in the Background

Around the motel this morning:
The Tesla Electric Car - Plugged In


Gary and Lyn working on the Paperwork

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