
Monday, October 14, 2013

The Equator

Don Reporting.

I said in the last post that if my photos of the equator came out I would publish them. Sorry we crossed the equator early this morning at 4 am. I set the alarm but it didn't seem to work. We crossed that horizontal line that bisects the two hemispheres without fanfare and without a even a bump - at least a bump big enough to wake me. Even if I was awake it would been too dark to photograph it.

At 2pm today King Neptune and his cohorts boarded the Oosterdam and took up residence around the aft pool on deck nine. Lots of tinsel, mock seaweed, a trident of course - funny how they look a lot like the singers and dancers from shows we have seeing lately. Now in compensation for no photo of the equator here is a shot of the 'Crossing the Equator' ceremony hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Neptune. If click on the photo you should be able to see them in the centre of the photo.

Sorry I, like all the people in front of me, decided not to be part of the ceremonies and watch from the deck above. Now here is a photo of the aft pool without all the people.

And while on the subject of pools the main sculpture at the end of the main pool is a huge ice block and some jolly penguins.

Finally a photo of the Southern Hemisphere Pacific from the Crows Nest bar and Cafe on deck 10. Of course, you can tell this as you can see we are going down hill.

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