
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Suva, Fiji

Don reporting.

19 October we are in Suva, Fiji. Overnight we sailed from the beack at Dravuni to the docks in Suva.

Unfortuantely I wasn't up early getting so there are no photos of comiming in Suva. Once we were tied up and all the formalities attended to passengers started disembark. However at the bottom of ther gangway they had to have their phot taken between two large Fijian warriors.


Once the got passed them the they found their tour buses waiting for them.

Some boarded the buses while others walked into town and had a look around the shops and markets.

The temperature was a bit cooler and the day was overcast - I am sure that most people appreciated it.

Life is still good here on the Ooisterdam with relaxing, eating, sleeping, and meeting lots of interesting people from many countries and lots of different backgrounds.

Stoping now - can't waste time - lots to do.


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