
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hawaiin Islands.

Don Reporting.

Sometime early Tuesday morning our ship dropped anchor off the island of Maui and the Lahaina. Several lifeboats were lowered and passengers were ferried ashore for tours of the island and to do some local shopping.

From the information dropped off at my cabin last night there seemed to be a lots of diamond and jewellery shops onshore. This may have contributed to one gentleman's slight concern to what his wife was buying. He like me had stayed on the ship and was enjoying the scenery from an air-conditioned lounge.

We left Lahaina late in the evening and I was woken the next morning as the ship berthed at Pier 10 in Honolulu. Looking out the wharf side was the Aloha clock tower and on the other side, the port of Honolulu.

Here I saw several tugs tied up at the next wharf. I just had to photograph them - several large vessels on one half size tug - ah! I thought, 'Little Toot' really exists.

In the evening we had show put on by a local group presenting songs and dances from polynesia. The first item was 'haka' followed by display of long poi by three girls dressed more like Hollywood indians than maori. I put haki in quotes as it was not even a good parody. The show reminded me of one we had seen in the late eighties while on a dinner cruise - the same songs, jokes, and a cast made up of up three 'girls', two children and couple of men. I knew it could not be the same show, but it surely must have been related. Happily this time I did have to sit through it.

It was a pity as the shows and entertainment put on by Holland and America until now has been excellent.


Tonight late we leave Hawaii and head south. Five days at sea with the equator and the international date line to see. I have my camera ready and will post the photos if they turn out. On the 16 October we stop off at Apia, Samoa.

1 comment:

  1. Sings along: Don't you ever grow up Little Toot - toot toot!
