
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

At sea.

Don reporting.

We have been at sea now for several days sailing between San Pedro and Hawaii. Ship board life is very relaxing although the cruise director tries to interest us in all soughts of different activities including exercise, talks, bridge, computer courses, live cooking shows, spa appointments, Bill W. meetings, mass, shows and LGBT (what ever that is) gatherings. Sometimes I feel like I am not pulling my weight and should help out by going to more of these things, but hell I am on holiday. However I do walk a mile (three times around the deck) each morning.

Watch the sunrise...

Attend an interesting series of lectures on World affairs in the Vista Lounge by Werner Salinger....

Visit the library and the computers in on deck nine next to the Crows Nest bar - the bar is a bit of an attraction.

And finally each night I return to my room to see what new animal has turned up on my bed.

Although this is about being at sea, I am writing it while the ship is anchored off Lahaina, Hawaii. I am enjoying this first contact with Hawaii from at distance and taking advantage of the ships air conditioning.

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