
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dravuni Island, Fiji.

Don reporting.

Today we anchored off Dravuni Island, Fiji. They lowered some lifboats and ferried people ashore or in nautical parlance tendered. I have learnt something while away at sea.

This island was basically a beach stop for those who liked swimming, walking on the sand, and genarlly getting hot and sunburnt. You guessed it I did not go ashore. However I did brave the sun and went out on deck and took a few photographs.

The beach with one of the lifboats tendering people ashore.

The landing wharf.

How I took the photos - this could be me - imagine a little (maybe a lot) heavier and gray hair.

Then after too long in the sun, trying desprately to provide you with some photos, I retired to The Cowsnest a bar and airconditioned lounge on deck nine. Here it is possible to get a panoramic view without sand and sunburn.

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