
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kuto, Ile des Pins

Don Reporting.

This morning I was up early to capture the scenic entry to Iles des Pins, The Island of Pines, described in last nights handout as an island of captivating beauty with powdery white beaches and water so clear that it is hard to tell where the sand ends and the water starts. With Araucaria pines, for which the island is named, towering above the palms giving a almost superimposed image of tropical and temperate landscape on one fantastic canvas.

After a writeup like that I just had to get some photos of our arrival. Out of bed at 5.30 am, up in the lift to deck ten, out through the doors and onto the deck for those photos....

I did get a few other photos then I went for an early breakfast to take my mind off all those sun and beach worshipers wondering if they should take a rain coat on their trip ashore.

Later in the day the rain did stop, but the low cloud cover persisted.

I caught up on some reading and writing and didn't really worry about not getting sunburnt and sand everywhere.


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