
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday, Books and Steampunk

Left the hotel about 9.30. The car started and I drove down to Historic Precinct. An area of restored Whitestone buildings that was once the bussiness hub with banks, hotels, grain and woolstores. Today this area is shops, galleries, and best of all second hand book shops. Of course I was there early--nothing opens before 10 am--so I took a few photographs.
The SteamPunk Museum
The pub we drank in yesterday
As soon as Adventure Books opened I went in and was welcomed by the owner and given a tour of the shop and learnt the layout of the books. Niel was right--he highly recomended this shop--the shop was a gold mine of Antarctic books. Just so many firsts I could not believe. Books that you only see on the Internet.

One of the many unlocked cupboards
OK, kids don't panic I didn't spend all you inheritence. I thought I did pretty well, I got about $90 discount and free postage. Now Jane you can worry, but not too much as I didn't buy any books from the closed glass cabinets. Although I had the cabinets opened so I could photograph all the books to consider them later after I am back home.

Once I had finished with the books I skipped across to the SteamPunk Museum. Here the hilight was the Portal. A small room about 3 metres square lined with mirrors and an arrangment of hanging things and lights. Before entering you push a big red button and step into the room and the show starts. Although the rooms seems to be infinite in all directions only three people can enter at one time.

Inside the portal. The phot was taken from the platform I was standing on.
The rest of the museum was excellent with a lot of fun SteamPunck items. Well worth a visit.

A mobile home?
A steampunked tractor

A bulldozer and the obligatory airship.
The days started out cool but not cold, however by midday it was freezing. After stoping at Countdown for a bottle of wine I was back at the hotel about 1.30 pm. Had lunch, wrote this blog and soon will be going out to Davids for dinner and viewing of some slides taken during the 1960 season at Scott Base.
A bulldozer and the obligatory airship.

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